Friday, September 24, 2010

Artist Preview: LiL Elmo

Here was our artist preview for Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010:

LiL Elmo  

LiL Elmo from Oakland, California had a track introduced: "Elmo's World"

You can catch out this track along with others on his myspace.


1 comment:

  1. hi im ashley im lilelmos girlfriend and all i can say about him is that he has a lot of talnet im not just saying this becuase im know him im saying this because he stays raping thats his dream he comes up with raps out this world never in my life would i think that a kid like lil elmo would come up with stuff like he dose.
    when his mind is sent on something he goes for it now matter how heard it is he has big dreams and i know that no matter what something good will come out of this

    and thank you mr vee vee you are a very strong and nice lady and i hope you the best of luck and hope to hear you a lot more on the radio
